Video Credits: Stephanie Shorter, stinkybano, hbk2467y2j & Montanna Maylen
Instagram credits are shown under the video.
01. This Is Why
Not available.
02. Brick By Boring Brick (Partially)
03. Decode (Partially)
04. Caught In The Middle
Not available.
05. That's What You Get
06. Here We Go Again (Partially)
07. Forgiveness
Not available.
08. I Caught Myself (Partially)
09. Pool (Partially)
10. Misguided Ghosts
Not available.
11. Simmer (Hayley Williams)
12. Ain't It Fun
13. Boogie Juice (Halfnoise)
Not available.
14. Rose-Colored Boy
15. Told You So
Not available.